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7月18日:Comments on solidification of magnesium alloys

创建时间:  2019年07月18日 10:51  高珊    浏览次数:

报告题目(中文):Comments on solidification of magnesium alloys

报告内容简介:Melting and solidification are the first step in the production of magnesium alloys for feedstock materials for further processing. To a certain extent phase diagrams from literature and also phase diagram predictions help in determining temperatures and which phases appear with respect to chosen composition/temperature. However, solidification in real world often does not follow equilibrium conditions. Therefore tools that can observe solidification in situ are extremely helpful in determining phase formation (even metastable phases) and microstructure evolution (morphology and constituents) for magnesium alloys. In this presentation in situ synchrotron radiation studies will be introduced and how they can be connected to thermodynamical predictions and phase field modelling approaches.

报告人姓名:Norbort Hort

报告人简介(中文):2002年博士毕业于德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学,2000年起就职于德国镁合金中心(MagIC),2003年起任镁合金中心加工部主任,是德国最大研究中心亥姆霍次重点研究技术项目《先进工程材料》(Advanced Engineering Materials)镁基材料首席科学家,德国材料科学协会(DGM)镁合金委员会主席,美国TMS轻合金协会委员,Materials Science and Engineering B、Bioactive Materials、Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science编辑。组织国际会议19项,包括TMS镁合金年会等。主持10项德国国家、企业科研项目。迄今为止,发表论文180余篇,H因子33。参家200余次国际会议,授予专利11项,参与编纂7本著作。

报告人单位(中文):Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

报告时间:2019-07-18 09:00






下一条:7月18日:Grain refinement and its mechanisms of magnesium alloys